Monday, March 10, 2008

Dum Dum Dummmmmm

So tomorrow, quick as that, I have an ultrasound to identify a lump. Not just any lump, a large one in my left breast. And several little ones. I just found the thing last Wednesday, or should I say Jer did. Or he finally got around to saying something, he noticed it a few months ago. In less than a week, WHAM! I'll see a surgeon one week later to, well I guess he will tell me. I will take him "films" and a "Printed Report" of my ultrasound. What happens next feels like a world past 8 days away. (Swallow very, very hard.) When Lashelle found a lump in her neck, it seemed like forever between ultrasounds and surgeons. I feel like this is moving awefully quick to be nothing as Bonnie said. Aside from the OB's office taking so long with the appointment making, in less than two weeks from finding a lump, it will be identified. Dum Dum Dummmmmmm.

Didn't I already have that Lifetime movie of the week moment in my life? "Girl overcomes cervical caner". I'm not supposed to be having another. I'm 27 for Christ sake! I have a wonderful husband, 3 healthy, happy and beautifully spirited children, I'm relatively healthy, living domestic suburbia bliss, we are doing so well. I used up my last angel sliding outta that one with Mims, can I expect to slip past breast cancer?

They say we write our own realities. We.... create them. What kind of sick writer am I? I think myself the kind to avoid drama, yet I'm living in it.

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