Thursday, January 10, 2008

Okay, let's try this again.

Another year and I'm am again vowing to blog, oh so much more. It's therapeutic. But instead of a long list of things I WILL do this year, a short list of things I WILL NOT do again/anymore this year;

1. I will stop stressing over money. It will always come and go, that is something I can count on. We are in a good place, stable, and we do not go without. It is undo stress.

2. I will not lose my temper. Really it gets me nowhere and ruins my day.

3. I will not skip yoga or dessert. Life is too short and they both make me sooooo happy and zen.

4. I will not try to be superwoman. I'm pretty damn good, killing myself to do it all faster isn't worth the aches.

5. I will not skip "me" time because I feel guilty. I am on shift 24/7, an hour here or there is a drop in the ocean.

6. I will not commit to things I can not realistically handle taking on.

7. I will not take for granted my children being so young and dependant on me. Really, how long will I get this for? Pretty soon they'll be annoying, ungrateful teenagers, dependant on me. At least now they are cute and timeout and naps are options.

8. I will not give up an opportunity to nap for an opportunity to clean. Nuff said.

9. I will not dwell on the past or spend too much time focusing on the future. I need to spend more time creating in the now.

10. I will not sweat the small stuff, and generally it all is.

Well the list was longer than intended and could have probably used some things I WILL try and do more of this year like spirituality and exercise, but I do that every year. I'm sure I'll look back at this in 11 months and find a new spin to try it all anew next new year. I guess intentions are like assholes.....

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